If you are starting to feel panicked by how many animal-derived products you own, don’t worry.
It would be wasteful to dispose of these items now, especially since the animal already gave its life. Where you CAN make a difference is with your future purchases:
Buying a new car? Most car companies offer fabric seat-alternatives to leather.
Purchase shoes made of chlorenol. It is a breathable material that “gives” just like leather.
Check out PETA’s Shopping Guide to Compassionate Clothing, a complete list of cruelty-free companies and products:
If your favorite designer or store sells exotic skins or fur, stop purchasing from them and write to the company, letting them know that you will no longer support them.
Even though the US has banned the import of seal products, there are still ways to put pressure on Canada to end their barbaric practices.
Celebrity chefs and over 6,500 US restaurants have teamed up with HSUS to ban Canadian seafood until the seal hunt is ended.
To find a participating restaurant near you visit:
Please be sure to follow Leviathan Project on Twitter and Facebook for current information on this issue and up-to-date ways to get involved: