Finding humane choices when eating out in restaurants can be a challenge. Some restaurants have made the switch to humanely-treated animal products. Most restaurants do not, and are only concerned with their bottom line. Serving inexpensive factory farmed meat is the easiest way to turn a profit.
Restaurants are starting to slowly come around, but we need to apply more pressure. Let your favorite restaurant know that animal welfare is important to you, and that you don’t mind paying a little more for humanely-treated meat.
The following examples are restaurants that have made amazing changes for the welfare of animals. These companies come highly recommended; please support them and thank them for their efforts.
Wolfgang Puck is one of the biggest chefs in the world. He personally caters the Academy Awards, and owns many fine dining, fast-casual restaurants, and catering venues across the country.
In 2007 Wolfgang Puck established a comprehensive program called Wolfgang’s Eating, Loving and Living (WELL). The program focuses on all-natural and organic products, as well as a humane animal treatment program.
This nine-point program created in partnership with the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) and Farm Sanctuary, aims to stop the worst practices associated with factory farming.
For more information on this ground-breaking project visit:
If you have ever been to a Chipotle Mexican Grill then you know that their concept is simple. They offer a small selection of meats and produce that can be made into burritos, tacos, or salads.
The company’s mission is to serve food with integrity. They focus on using organic, sustainable, and locally sourced ingredients. They also use naturally raised, humanely treated meat and poultry.
If they can source humanely treated animal products for over 1,600 restaurants, and serve it in a $6 burrito, then ANY restaurant can follow this business model.
Chipotle sometimes runs into shortages of humanely-treated products, but when they do, they always post it in the restaurant.
To find out more about Chipotle’s “Food with Integrity” visit:
Large corporate fast food restaurants like McDonalds are driving factory farming.
These types of establishments are serving seriously scary, processed products that come from tortured animals and GMOs.
Please, NEVER eat fast food. Doing so directly supports all that is evil and wrong with our food system.
If you happen to love an establishment like McDonalds, tell them that you will not support them until their policies change. If enough people boycott fast food, change will happen.
You may be wondering about the Christian fast food restaurants, Chic-fil-A and In-N-Out Burger.
As Christian companies, these restaurants should be leaders when it comes to the welfare of God’s creatures. Unfortunately they are operating with no concern for animals or for the health of their customers.
On In-N-Out Burger’s website, they claim to focus on the quality of their products:
“In-N-Out french fries come from the finest, freshest ingredients we can find—potatoes shipped right from the farm.”
These potatoes are GM (genetically modified) and sprayed with chemical pesticides.
“Our shakes are just as genuine. Because we know a real shake can only be made with real ice cream. At In-N-Out, that’s the only way we’ll ever make them.”
The cows used to make the milk that makes their shakes are given antibiotics, GMO feed and are given bovine growth hormones.
“Our commitment to quality starts with our hamburgers. And our burgers begin with our patties. We make them from fresh, 100% pure beef. They are free of additives, fillers and preservatives of any kind.”
In-N-Out Burger cows are fed antibiotics, GMO feed and are given growth hormones.
Nowhere on the In-N-Out Burger website is the treatment of animals mentioned.
This comes as a surprise after an investigation in 2012 of one of their meat suppliers, Central Valley Meat, revealed some of the most extreme footage of animal abuse ever caught on tape.
In-N-Out burger immediately cut ties with the facility to avoid bad press, but they have since made no effort to express concern for the welfare of their animals.
If you still want to support In-N-Out Burger, please watch the undercover video taken of Central Valley Meat in 2012 before buying your next cheeseburger:
After viewing this horrific treatment of God’s creatures, doesn’t it seem really wrong to be wrapping their meat in paper with Bible Verses printed on it?
Until In-N-Out Burger makes a pledge to source humanely-treated meat, it is probable that they are still serving the meat of animals that have suffered similar abuse.

Chick-fil-A (also a Christian company) at least attempts to addresses the treatment of the animals they serve.
Their website states:
“The National Chicken Council (NCC) publishes a set of guidelines for the proper and humane raising and processing of chickens. All of our suppliers abide by these guidelines, and in fact, some of our suppliers were instrumental in helping to develop these standards for the whole industry.”
So what exactly do these guidelines mean for the chickens?
A chicken that is covered by NCC guidelines is kept in a windowless shed, given 0.7 square feet of personal space, given only 4 hours of darkness each day, and is provided with zero environmental enrichment.
These guidelines also have no maximum growth rate defined which would prevent chickens from growing faster and larger than their skeletons and organs can support.
These guidelines allow the chickens to be pumped full of antibiotics and fed a diet of GMO feed.
If that isn’t absurd enough, did you know that there are almost 100 ingredients in a Chick-fil-A sandwich?
These ingredients include MSG, GMO corn, food coloring, and over 18 chemical preservatives.
Many of these ingredients are known causes of serious health problems and diseases.
Again, how can this company claim to be Christian?

When it comes to finding humane restaurants, there are not a lot of resources readily available. Usually a little detective work is required.
The Humane Eating Project, however, is a good one to check out.
Download the free app to your phone, and it will locate nearby vegetarian and humane eating options.
It also lists restaurants that are on their watch list for serving inhumane products like veal and foie gras.
The amount of listed humane restaurants is limited, but you can add your favorites to their growing database.
For more information visit: